Friday, March 22, 2013

Cassie & LaMar - For All Eternity

We had a wedding in our family a few weeks ago. Our beautiful daughter, Cassie, married a good, kind, and worthy young man, LaMar. March 8 is their anniversary and what a lovely day it was. We had a little rain, but from what we heard, that's a good thing.

We are truly happy for both of them and pray they will receive all the blessings Heavenly Father has prepared for them. We love you both!

"And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Matthew 19:5-6
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Free Reading Journals - Part 3 - Setting Prompts

This post is part of a series of reading journal prompt pages that I'll be posting over the coming months. This post includes setting prompt pages.

This file includes 9 different prompts, some with a few different page layouts. I've also included 4 more cover pages and additional templates. 

I'm dividing these posts into parts because of the amount of pages that will be provided. I will be adding pages for all the types of prompts I used with my kids over the years. Below is a list of the future pages or categories that will be or have been posted here free to my blog. They are not necessarily in the order they will be posted.

  • Cover Pages and Logs 
  • Characters and more cover pages
  • Setting and yet again more cover pages (this post)
  • Plot
  • Lead
  • Conclusion
  • Foreshadowing 
  • Main Idea
  • Conflict
  • Narrative
  • Vocabulary
  • Title
  • Theme
  • Mood
  • Author
A couple of my products that would be a help while using these upcoming freebies are the following:
If you're not already subscribed to my blog, or following me on FacebookTwitter Google +, or Pintrest you'll want to do that so you don't miss out on all these free pages! I also have a youtube channel with lots of video tutorials on how to make your own notebooking pages. I post family videos on there as well. I should probably move them, but for now they are on the same channel. You know, for the grand parents :)

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Friday, March 15, 2013

St. Patrick's Day - Best FREE Resources on the Web

There's a LOT of great stuff available for St. Patrick's Day!! I didn't add everything I found but I added a few Pinterest boards at the bottom with a bunch of fun stuff as well.

I'm getting this out SO MUCH later than planned (I sorta had my daughter's wedding to plan and stuff;) But you can always save these to your computer for next year -- that way you don't loose track of all this greatness. Because I'm so absent minded, I send myself alerts on my phone to remind myself of the file on my computer I saved for something later... is that completely insane? I hope not! I just can't keep track of it all!! Haha!

First, here's a little about St. Patrick. There's a lot more out there, so don't limit yourselves :)

St. Patrick's Day Notebooking Pages for your little ones from Yours Truly :)

There's always lots of fun crafts and activity ideas over at Enchanted Learning

Make some sweet shamrock pretzels from Spoonful! Yummo!! 

Here are a few really fun Pinterest boards that are sure to inspire you! They did me! These are in no particular order... they're all awesome!

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Friday, March 1, 2013

Free St. Patrick's Day Notebooking Pages

        Download St. Patrick's Day Notebooking Pages

This set is for your little ones. There's a cover pages, 13 notebooking pages, and a couple activities.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Honey Jar Wedding Favors

I'm taking a little break from wedding planning to show you what my daughter and I came up with for her wedding favors. Cassie's having a rustic style wedding and she thought it might be cute to pass out honey jars... which is quite trendy from I've been told :)

I purchased the jars empty (I'll add the link to the empty jars below in the supplies list) and filled them with honey that I purchased at Sam's Club. One case has 160 jars. We decided to purchase them empty because, 1) it was more cost effective and 2) we wanted to create our own look.

Supply List: (Note: This tutorial makes 160 jars)
  • 160 - 1.5 ounce jam jars w/lids  
  • honey of your choice -- I used about 15 pounds 
  • 1 1/4 yard of any fabric (we choose lace) cut into 4" squares
  • cutting board (optional -- you don't need if you use scissors)
  • rotary cutter (optional -- you could also use scissors or pinking shears))
  • scissors (optional)
  • measure stick (optional)
  • 24 weight ivory paper
  • paper cutter
  • double-stick tape
  • large clear elastics
  • twine (I got the kind in the hardware section of Wal-mart... it ties easier)
  • color printer
The jars come in a box with NO kind of cushion or wrapping. I ordered 2 cases and didn't have a broken jar in the bunch. So I suppose they know what they're doing :)

First, add honey to all your jars. I used about 15 pounds. Do not attempt to use honey from a 5 gallon bucket! I don't think that would work well at all. I mean you can, of course, if you'd like to but I personally wouldn't :) I used 3 / 5 pound squeezable bottles. 

I next cut out my 4" squares and added them to the lids with the clear elastic. I think this creates a better look than just adding the twine. Plus it holds the lace into place while adding the twine. 

Next, add twine or ribbon bows. We used about 17" pieces for our jars. We precut them to make adding them quicker.

Meant to BEE... Honey :)
I then created labels to add to the jars. I tried to use a label maker but it wouldn't line up right for me when printing them out. But if you're a pro with that, that's what I would do... much faster! If you use address labels, you obviously won't need the double-stick tape. My labels measured 1"x3" and fit perfectly.

That's it! We loved how they turned out! Only 9 more days until the wedding!

I'll be adding a lot more of what we are doing for the wedding when I make time for that... which might be after the wedding is over. We'll see!

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