
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Weekly Homeschool Journal - Week 1

I just learned about this journal link-up at and I'm very excited to begin writing about my week in this format. I love keeping a journal and this will be a great way for me to wrap up my week.

In my life this week…

I've actually been struggling for some time now (nearly a year) with a personal matter that at times consumes my thoughts. I'm not going to go into much detail but it does involve one of my children that has fallen away from our beliefs. I have days when I don't want to get out of bed I hurt so bad - I do but it's hard. I had a couple days this week that weren't good for me. I've spent a lot of time on my knees over the past year and this week was no exception. Earlier this week as I was praying I felt prompted to search the scriptures for help - which I do often. I opened my scriptures to a random page and the very first verse I read was John 14:27:  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
After reading that verse, I knew God had heard my prayer. I knew He was with me. While I will always continue to fast and pray for my children, I will keep this scripture verse close to my heart when I feel down. 

In our homeschool this week…

My kids work independently and I feel sort of in the background a lot of the times. But one thing I'm working hard to do with my youngest son is getting him to focus more. He tends to get distracted easily. So what's my plan? I hate to say it... but I'm bribing him. It's true. But it's not as bad as it sounds. Basically I've set a time limit for each subject and he sets a timer. And by the way, the time limits are EXTREMELY reasonable, in my opinion. For example, he has 60 minutes to complete Math. He sets the timer and he earns one whole penny for every minute he doesn't use. So if he finishes in 40 minutes he earned 20 cents. Trust me, it adds up. Last week he earned about $4.00 and for a 13 year old boy that's good money and it lessens a lot of stress on my part. He's staying more focused instead of being up and down all day. 

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share...

Homeschooling is a journey, not a race. Foster a love of learning in your child and they will have a desire to continue learning throughout their lives.

I am inspired by…

My children who are currently serving missions. I have 2 kids out serving full-time missions. Our oldest son has been out for 23 1/2 months. We've only spoken to him 4 times in all that time. He'll return home on the 25th of this month. We're very excited. My daughter will return in about 4 months and has been out for 14 - we've only spoken to her twice. I'm so proud of my missionaries and their strong desire to serve others. They inspire me to want to find more time to serve those around me. 

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Tomorrow we're heading up to Las Vegas to attend a ceremony for my nephew who will be leaving for his mission in about a month. I'll be seeing most of the members from my side of the family. I'm one of 9 kids and I expect to see at least 5 of my sibs along with their spouses and kids as well as my parents. It will be a nice gathering.

My favorite thing this week was…

Spending time up at our cabin over the weekend. I love being up there in nature and spending time with my family. We also had the opportunity to watch a conference put out by our church and it was amazing! 

Things I’m working on…

  • I'm working on getting our son's room ready for his return! We're cutting out tons of hearts to hang all over his room with messages from family and friends. I'm cheating a little though and buying some of those heart-shaped post-its.
  • I'm getting a few pictures framed and hung up in our family room. I'm redoing a wall in that room.
  • I have a stack of books on my living room floor I need to organize and get back on the shelves.

I’m reading…

In anticipation for the new Les Misérables movie, that's what I'm reading... again! I love the book. I should be finished with it tomorrow actually. 

I’m cooking…

This week's menu:
  • Teriyaki chicken, rice, vegetables
  • Shrimp pasta with a white wine sauce smothered in portobella mushrooms, bacon, garlic and lots of other goodies.... just whatever I had on hand.
  • Chicken noodle soup
  • Lightly breaded pork, garlic mashed potatoes, vegetables
  • Pizza
  • Left-overs

I’m grateful for…

Answered prayers and a loving Heavenly Father whose presence I feel in my life everyday.

I’m praying for…

My children, my sweetheart, the upcoming debates and elections, opportunities to serve and cooler weather... I live in Arizona, need I say more :)

A photo to share…

Only one of our six turtle eggs hatched... but look how cute!


I'm link-up with: 



  1. Hello Betsy. Welcome to the Homeschool Journal :) Pleased to have you join in!

    Wow that's a loooong time not to hear your sons voice. Enjoy the preparations. Look forward to seeing some pic's of the finish product.


  2. Oh, wow, look at that turtle! And you hatched them? Neat!

    I think ALL my kids would like the $$ incentive. (Not bribery; incentive! ::laugh::) But I think I would go broke!

  3. Thanks for the tip on using incentive for getting school work done. When he finishes early, does he get to use the extra minutes he "saved" as free time, or is he required to move on to the next subject?

  4. @Mrs.HeartsHe usually moves right into the next subject. If I allowed him to have the extra time, he'd be back to taking breaks all day long. What he's been doing is one long subject, like Math or Science, and then 1 or 2 short ones and THEN he gets a 15-20 minute break. It was getting so bad that he was taking3 or 4 hours to do his Math for instance. I had to do something!

    One problem is he's growing like a weed and eats constantly. He was up and down all day making meals. Not just grabbing a snack but making full meals. It took lots of time. So I have to allow him to have some snacks close by so he can eat. He's grown about 8 inches in the last 4-5 months!

    I know he loves having a little extra cash in his pocket and I didn't want it to be too excessive so this is a win-win situation. He can save for a book, game, or he can ride his bike over to McDonald's and get an ice cream or something and he's happy... and so am I!

  5. @Our Side of the Mountain I like your wording better. I do believe it is an incentive too. We're both happy with the situation. He really does want to focus more and this gives him some incentive to do that.

    And the turtle... I know, I can't believe we kept one alive! It's so darn cute :)

  6. I love the hatchling!! That is awesome.

    I am sorry you are having a hard time. I am glad you found some comfort in that verse.
