
Friday, October 19, 2012

5 Fab Freebies Friday - Character Studies {Link-up Party}

I would have had this up sooner. I worked on it for a couple hours yesterday (finding the resources and whatnot) but didn't post it because I was up late, hadn't set up the linky, and was tired so headed off to bed. I woke up this morning to post it and for whatever reason it didn't save! This has never happened to me. I've used Blogger for about 5 years now. I've been considering moving to Wordpress and now have decided it's that time. So, I'm now in the market for someone to do the switch and design. If you know anyone who can do it at a reasonable price, let me know. I'm excited for the move. I've absolutely made my mind up about this!

Now that my venting is out of the way :) Let's move on to what this post is all about. Today I'm posting resources for character studies. Not the characters from stories but your child's character development. This is what shapes our children into who they will become. I know it's one of the most important things we can spend our time teaching them each day.

 Here's what I've found for you this week... 

{1} Earlier this year I posted Old Testament and New Testament Character Study Notebooking Pages. They have been a great help in our homeschool. 

{2} Erica from Confessions of a Homeschooler did a 10 day series on Character Study. It's a great series with great advice as well as free printables. I'm linking to the category but that only includes the 10 posts in the series so be sure to check them all out.

{3} Homeschool Share has 10 character lapbooks. They include: Cheerfulness, Diligence, Compassion/Mercy, Helpfulness, Kindness, Attentiveness, Thankfulness, Stewardship, Dependability (Faithfulness), Forgiveness and Obedience.

{4} Using the Book of Virtues by William Bennett, Shiver's Academy put together a study with nearly 1000 pages! It's been around for years but I think it's a great resource and worth checking out if you haven't already. You'll find the links to download the entire file or individual lessons on the sidebar.

{5} Kids of Integrity offers lessons plans and printables to 20 different character traits. It's another excellent resource to help you get started or continue with your own study.

Please share any books that you've found helpful during your character studies. I had planned to add my books choices but will in another post because I'm getting this up so late.


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1 comment:

  1. Hello Betsy

    Erica at Confessions has a post on migrating from blogger to wordpress.

    I have collected a few resources on my pinterest May I link that up here ??
