
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Top 10 Reasons My Kids Love to Homeschool

I've been homeschooling for 15 years. I taught all 6 kids, but now only teach my two youngest who are 16 and 13. I had the two of them make up their own lists and I will write them out word for word. After looking over their lists, I know my older kids would have had the same answers, for the most part.

Melanie's List (age 16)

I get to spend the day with my family. Everyday with my family! I'm positive that's one of the big reasons we are so close and loving <3

I can do all my schoolwork in my bed. I don't always do this but I'm more comfortable there and so why not.

 I can start school as early or as late as I want and I can also move at my own pace. I always try to stay ahead but if I do fall behind I know I can make it up during breaks.

I have extra time to do the things I love to learn on my own. I love music! I sing and play piano. Ask anyone in my family and they'll tell you I spend most my free time doing both of these things. But I also love to read, spend time with my family and hang out with my friends.

I can help decide what I study. Including gospel topics.

I can take naps whenever I want. Which tends to happen during some of the more boring reading assignments... sorry mom! Especially history.

My family can go on vacations during the middle of the school year and make it up later. We love to travel but we always learn so much during our travels anyway.

I love being able to take college classes and getting some of my generals done before I leave for a university. I'm excited to go off to college - I'm so ready and up for that challenge!

I'm glad I don't have to be stuck in a classroom with a bunch of potty mouth children.

I'm saving the best for last... I love that we include prayer and scripture study in our homeschool. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ with all my heart and would be empty if it didn't play a huge role in my life - all day, everyday!

Just a note to my parents... I'm eternally grateful you chose to homeschool all us kids. We are a closer family because of it. I know you see homeschooling as a calling and I know already that I'm called to homeschool my own kids someday. I know it will be a sacrifice but I also know that it is so important and worth every sacrifice I'll give up. I'm sure once I'm actually doing it it won't feel like a sacrifice, but a blessing - like you always say mom. I love you guys!! Thanks for all you do for me!!! Melanie <3

(We love you too, Melanie!) 


Christian's List (age 13)

I like taking breaks when I can't think anymore. I like that mom lets me go jump on the trampoline for a couple minutes to get all my energy out. Sometimes I need lots of breaks.

I like that I can go all day and not wear anything but my pj's. I don't do this very often, but sometimes I don't want to get dressed and I like that I don't have to.

I like that I can call my other homeschool friends the day before and tell them to get their school work done quickly so we can hang out the next day. We sometimes do 2 days worth of school in one day so we can play all day.

I like being home. I love my family. Whenever we are out running errands during school time and pass a school I'm always glad to be a homeschooler. I would hate being locked up all day.

I like traveling with my family. We go on cool vacations and see lots of awesome things we learned about in school. We're going to England in a couple weeks and going to visit some of the things we learned about during the Middle Ages. We don't usually go somewhere that awesome, but I'm excited for this trip. I like castles and things like that. I guess it's more like cool field trips.

Even though I'm older now, I like when my mom reads aloud. She's been reading aloud to us my entire life. Sometimes she'll get an audio book as our read aloud and it's not the same. I like to hear her read to me.

I like that karate and swimming are PE... haha! I like that piano is part of my Fine Arts. My mom says homeschooling families need to be creative :)

I love that we start our school day with prayer and scripture study. It really does help get our day started out nice. I used to get bored when we read scriptures but because we've done it my whole life I do love the scriptures now and will read them on my own every night before I go to bed.

I like hanging out with my dad during lunch. We watch the Nature Channel, History Channel or Fox News. The only thing I don't like is that he pauses the shows a lot and talks. But I do learn a lot from some of the things he says. He's really smart and likes to pause the channel and say what he knows they are going to say first so he sounds even smarter. My mom gets a little annoyed sometimes but we kind of think it's funny too.

I just like being homeschooled. I'm glad my parents decided to do it and I want my kids to be homeschooled too. I don't know anything different because I've been doing it my whole life, but I'm pretty sure I'd hate being in public school. All my public school friends wish they were homeschooled, so homeschooling must be better.


Well, those are my kids lists and pretty much exactly what I thought they'd say. I didn't want to put words into their mouths, so I just made it a little writing assignment but made it clear that it was going on my blog :)

This post is linked up at Top Ten Tuesday


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