
Friday, October 15, 2010

Flashmaster - Electronic Math Flashcards!

We've been through our share of math flashcards, as I sure many of you have!  I was reading through the blogs I follow and found the Flashmaster on one of the blogs I read... (I truly wish I remember which blog it was so I could give credit!!!)  The the fact of the matter is that the Flashmaster is easy to use, fun for my son, and more convenient than fumbling with a bunch of flashcards.  I wish I had had it with my older kids, but I'm glad to have it for my youngest.  One great convenience is that we can take it with us when we run errands and he can work on his facts in the car.

I was honestly a little hesitant because of the price ($49.95!!!) but I'm happy with it and I'll just pass it off to one of my kids when they're ready to start homeschooling.  So, it will be used for the next generation... very far down the road... but still!  

Great product!

1 comment:

  1. We love Flashmaster as well. I learned about it over at Debra's blog and website I read how great it was for her family and decided to invest in it. My daughter has trouble with math. She now looks forward to the "math game" as she calls it.
