
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Eventful Week

We're taking a Spring Break this week because all my college age kids are on their break. I had big cleaning projects planned as well as a quick trip to Disneyland for a day. We did one of the "Give a day, get a day" that Disney was offering and we had hoped to go this week. But life has been extra busy for my husband and his schooling and we just couldn't fit it in. However, my daughters drove up to San Francisco to see the musical Wicked and loved it! They've been singing songs from it since they got home. I'm glad they had that time together.

I have done a few cleaning projects and want to accomplish more today. I'm planning on going through my closet and getting rid of some old clothes. I hate having more then I need! It feels overwhelming to me, plus I'm sure there are plenty of people who could use them more than me. I also want to clean out the fireplaces and the garage.

I've been to Vegas 4 times in the last week. It's about 2 hours north of us, so a little bit of a pain. My husband's been taking proctored exams and also flew to Texas and back. He leaves again tomorrow, so back to Vegas we go! My husband has a hard time driving too long without getting tired. We were in an accident 2 years ago after he fell asleep behind the wheel so I or one of the kids take him whenever he needs to go into Vegas. Anyway, he's in school to get his medical degree and it's put a little extra stress on the family. But we prayed about it and know it's what we need to do right now.

So my "Spring Break" hasn't been too relaxing but I'm still spending it with my family and enjoying them all the same. Oh, and one last thing... I broke a toe on Saturday so I'm doing all this with a little limp :)


1 comment:

  1. OUCH! I hope your toe heals quickly. I broke my pinky toe and the side of my foot twice (chasing my son) I feel your pain.

    Hope ya have a relaxed week:)
    God Bless
