
Monday, October 26, 2009

Island of the Blue Dolphins Lapbook Finished!

We finished Island of the Blue Dolphins and LOVED it!
The kids did a great job on their lapbooks. The
templates you see here that are not included in the
freebies I'm offering can be found here....

Also, the basket mini-book "Karana's Food", I had to
modify the size to fit unto a side section of the lapbook.
This was one of the mini-books I found at
Lapbook Lessons.

The red lapbook is my 10 year old son's and the
blue one is my 13 year old daughter's.


  1. Love It!! It looks great! We haven't read that book yet, but are plannning too.

  2. I am so new to lapbooking...and you have truly converted me to a great way to learn, thank you. I have linked your Island of The Blue Dolphins pages and links on my own blog so I can keep track of them.
    You've been a great blessing sharing as you have!


  3. I love it!! It makes me want to read the book! You're kids did a great job...and you can tell them I said so. :-)
